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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Food Allergy Article for "Chicago Parent" Is Now Available!

This just in--my husband just brought home the latest issue of Chicago Parent magazine, with my article "Playing Safe: Coping with Food Allergies at Parties and Play Dates." In it, I discuss the ways that food-allergic school age kids can keep safe and have a normal social life. It also gives tips for parents of non-allergic kids on things to know if you're hosting your child's food-allergic classmate.

I'm very excited to see its publication and grateful to Chicago Parent for letting me get this important topic out there. I especially hope it is useful for parents of both allergic kids and non-allergic kids. Let me know what you think.

I also like the short article they teamed it with, in which they talk about Chicago mom Kim Kutz's allergy-free cookbook, "The Welcoming Kitchen: Allergen-Free Recipes for Snacks & Goodies." Her web site is

A reader recently posted with a question about what type of allergen-free recipes might be OK to bring a bake sale. I have not read Ms. Kutz's book yet, but it seems like a good bet you'd find some good and "safe" recipes there. I'll definitely check it out.


Anonymous said...

Great article in Chicago Parent! Now I need your advice. I am throwing a party for my toddler son and need to know what are safe foods to bring and prepare for the group of children and adults attending. Help!

Jenny said...

That is a great question. Thanks for caring! Generally, the families with allergy needs will contact you before the party and ask to bring something. Let them. It's their way of ensuring their child can have a safe treat at the party.

Also, if you know in advance that someone has a specific allergy, don't offer it at the party if at all possible. Peanut butter cupcakes are probably not a great idea, etc.

But please know that food-allergic families don't expect you to do all the work. We will help in any way we can. After all, we know the party hosts are busy already. :)

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