Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Monday, March 3, 2008

Nut-Free Family Fun at the Kohl

A reader recently posted about Kohl Children's Museum in Glenview since it houses a "nut-free bakery." My family enjoys it there so much I thought it deserved its own blog entry.
Besides offering fun, hands-on activities for young kids including a house you can "decorate" (see above), a pretend vet, painting and crafts, an elaborate pretend grocery store,"water works," a musical instrument exhibit and lots more, the Kohl houses a wonderful nut-free bakery called "Kim & Scotts Pretzel Bakery and Twisting Cafe." The pretzels are yummy, and they have a hot chocolate "bar." My family has been there several times, so thanks again to the reader who reminded me about it.

According to their web site, Kim & Scott's also has egg-free and dairy-free options. May I make a suggestion? Take some time to send them a supportive "thank you" e-mail. And go to the restaurant if you can. We need more places like this and the ones that exist need our support.

Another restaurant that always asks about food allergies when you call to make a reservation and is peanut-free (though not completely "nut-free", yet) is the American Girl Cafe in Chicago. I know that's not the type of place you'd go every weekend, but I appreciate that they avoid peanuts. No PB&J to be found there!

Please post if you know of other nut allergy friendly places for families.


Anonymous said...

Great entry. It's good to get this sort of info out there. I just lucked into this place and I was so grateful. :)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Cosi has replaced the Pretzel place and Cosi's cookies are not nut-free!

Jenny said...

Yes, I know about the Kohl. They unfortunately got rid of Kim & Scott's.

That's a big blow to all of us who want to provide a nut-free environment at a kids' museum but as always, we just have to remain vigilant. Even with Kim & Scott's as the eatery, though, how many kids entered the place with peanut buttery hands from home? Bring your wipes and be careful, guys! :)

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