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Friday, July 18, 2008

Update on Wacky Allergy Labels...A Whole Lotta Nada

Sorry to say, I did not get a very satisfactory response to my e-mail query on the confusing food allergy labels I encountered recently. Their corporate customer service e-mailed me that, in order to get information about a specific product, I need to ask the retail stores what is in their food.

Well, actually that's not what I asked. I didn't want to know about specific products, necessarily. I can read a label--so can all of you. We're skilled in that. My question to the store was: how do you go about determining what allergens you list on your labels? They chose not to answer that. Also, I highly doubt that the retail store workers would have the knowledge I was looking for, that is, how is the food processed and who determines how it's labeled a certain way and why.

So I am posing the question to them again and see what I get.

Just thought I'd let you know! Also, what's up with all the gluten-free stuff at Trader Joe's? I'm glad they are acknowledging gluten allergies but almost everything at TJ contains peanuts or tree nuts. And I love that place. Just be careful when you shop's super-nutty!

Well, that's a whole other story! :) Hopefully, I'll get to the bottom of the allergy labels at the "gourmet food and cookware retailer." Everybody probably knows who that is, right?

Wish me luck! And all of you who are speaking up and asking questions at stores and restaurants, THANK YOU! We are making progress, I'm sure of it.


Unknown said...

I must be getting tired. Are the letter W & S in the name of that gourmet food and cookware retailer you mention? I am thinking yes...

Here's a little peanut-allergic pet peeve. Where can you find a gingerbread house around the holidays that is made in a peanut-free,nut-free facility? It's a mystery to me. And what about candy corn at Halloween? Who has candy corn made at a peanut-free, nut-free facility? I need some answers if they're out there, so I'll be ready when all of these occasions come up this year! :)

Anonymous said...

I also have a peanut allergic son. I find myself not always trusting the answers to my questions. If they don't speak like they seem like they know exactly what they are talking about, I don't always trust them. If they go into extreme detail, even more than I asked, it makes me feel a LOT better. Then I think they "get it."

But I have to admit, some of the labels are getting a little crazy!!


Libby said...

Labels really frustrate me, too, especially the vague ones that list "spices" and "flavors."

I've tagged you for a meme. If you'd like to join in, come by my blog to see the rules. Libby

Jenny said...

I am trying to find nut-free candy corn and when I do I will let you know.

Vermont Nut Free Chocolates used to sell the candy corn but they stopped last year. Now they sell nut-free jelly beans, but we're out of luck with the candy corn. I'll get on this and let everybody know. If anyone else knows of a nut-free candy corn seller, please post!

The Design Mama said...

I have finally found a nut-free candy corn made by Blueberry Hill (it does contain soy and eggs so if your child is allergic to those watch out, and they also contain real honey, so don't give these to any child under one-year-old). You can find them at

My nut allergic five-year-old has been asking for candy corn since the Halloween displays came out in the stores. I had to go to the Internet to find some without nuts or not made in a facility with nuts. Brachs, Jelly Belly, Kroger brand and Russell Stover are NOT nut free!

Anonymous said...

I keep emailing Vermont Nut Free regarding the candy corn, but have had no response. If anyone does find some, please post! In regards to the gingerbread house, we make our own using graham crackers,not as pretty,tasty or gourmet, but little kids can at least still enjoy it! Kim

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of brands here that I found. I don't care for candy corn, so I haven't tried it myself, but this is a good allergen-friendly site. :)

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