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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mamma Mia! How Can I Resist You...

With school just around the corner, this is a stressful time of year for the Nut-Free Moms out there. So I've got a solution. Go see Mamma Mia! The Movie. (The link takes a few seconds to load, but it's worth it.)

I just read an article about "laugh therapy" and apparently it has all sorts of health benefits besides being an awesome stress reliever. As moms of food-allergic kids, we know that many things we have to deal with are no laughing matter, and I'm not suggesting that we take our responsibilities lightly.

No, what I'm suggesting is that you will most likely laugh yourself silly (like I admit, I did!) when you watch middle-aged British actors attempt to sing ABBA songs while frolicking around a Greek island with Meryl Streep. The film is extremely light, frothy and fun. That's it. No deep message, lots of bad singing and that British hunk of love Colin Firth wearing a wet, white shirt ala Mr. Darcy before changing into Spandex with the rest of the cast. But then, I'd watch him read the phone book.

I know Mamma Mia! has gotten pretty uniformly bad reviews and maybe ABBA songs aren't your thing, so rent Tootsie. Or pick another comedy, preferably something with Will Ferrell. Just looking at his face makes me want to start laughing. (And I mean that in a good way.)

The point is, a little laughter will help make life seem better when we have to face a new school year. It's sometimes easy to get bogged down in all the health forms, prescriptions, etc. When you're done with all of that, it's time to let loose a little. (For the cocktail minded, a martini doesn't hurt. But if you consume one before viewing Mamma Mia! I can't be held responsible.)

When it's time to get serious, check out my resources to the right of this post. I've got some good stuff up there to help get you through the start of the school year.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready to play my Mamma Mia soundtrack for the umpteenth time this week. If you're not a fan, just be glad this blog doesn't have sound enabled!


Lise Samson said...

Thanks for this very good advise. I definitively need a stress reliever because added to the stressful period of my 3 sons and myself going back to school, I have to deal with a day trip that my allergic son will do with the day camp. He will leave in a couple of days but I am already sleeping very badly. Who wants to come to the movie with me ?

Unknown said...

I keep forgetting Colin Firth is in that movie. I'll have to rent it when it's available. And Colin Firth will be the one reason why!

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