Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Monday, February 23, 2009

You Don't Need Nuts to Fly and a Great Blog Link

Recently, I helped start up a Facebook group with Jennifer B of Food Allergy Buzz called "You Don't Need Nuts to Fly." Along with a lot of other food allergy bloggers and advocates, we were disappointed to learn that Northwest Airlines (recently acquired by Delta) will now be serving peanuts, after years of going "peanut-free." So instead of stewing, we are trying to gain support from people like us who deal with severely nut-allergic individuals in our families.

Check out the link to learn more about this Facebook group. We invite you to join the discussion and share your comments. And if you'd like to communicate with Northwest Airlines directly, here's a link.

And speaking of Facebook, Jenn of the food allergy blog Rational Jenn just wrote a terrific post outlining exactly what it's like to be the mother of a child with a life-threatening allergy to nuts. She posted the link on her Facebook page today. I couldn't have said it better myself! :) Way to go, Jenn.

(BTW, I'm not sure why so many of us with nut-allergic children are named "Jennifer."!!!)


Jenny said...

That is strange! My daughter has a tree nut allergy, but my name is just Jenny, does that count?

Jenn Casey said...

Thanks for linking to my blog! I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

HA! My name is Jennifer, and my son has a peanut allergy, too!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

What is so funny, my Dad wanted to mame me Jennifer, obviously my Mom one.

Anonymous said...

Another jenny here..... good works!

Anonymous said...

do you think if we change our names and the nut allergy will go away?????
anyway, for now, we should all stick together, jenny,jen, jennifer jenni...or no jennifer..and i believe we can make a difference.
Did anyone read up on the new UK research?

Anonymous said...

my name's kelly...guess i am out of the loop on this one! kidding aside, i joined the fb group. fun!

Jenny said...

Wow, even I didn't realize there were so many Jennifers/Jennys out there.

At any rate, no matter what your name is, thanks for reading and posting your comments! :)

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