Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Peanut Survey Link Difficulties

Some of us are having trouble with the airplane and peanuts survey link. Apparently, they have "built-in" a device so that you can't retake it.

I had trouble at first myself. It said I had taken the survey when I hadn't taken it.

Everybody, please try this link:

Hopefully, this one will work for you. Sorry about that!!


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

It said the same for me too. I will try this link and see.

Jenny said...

I'm so sorry that people are having trouble with this form!

This new link seems to work.

Give it a try! Thanks for your support. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for clarifying that, Jenny. I am hearing the same thing. People say the link does work. I wonder what kind of response they are receiving, numbers-wise...

~ Jill said...

Unfortunately the link is still not working for me. I will keep trying.

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