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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Food Allergy Awareness Week: Top 10 List by FA Author Linda Coss!

More good stuff to share in honor of Food Allergy Awareness Week! Author and food allergy pioneer Linda Coss wants me to share her Top 10 List of things that FA Parents Want. Click this link to read the list. Check our her website while you're there--she has some great books for sale.

I agree with her on all points! What would your Top 10 list look like?

1 comment:

Jane Anne said...

I am like you- I agree with her on every item on the top 10 list. I will have to check out her website. Thanks for posting it. I read her list on FoodAllergyBuzz.

It is Food Allergy Awareness Week. Read my latest allergy post: Works-for-Me Wednesday: Medicine Bag

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