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Thursday, May 21, 2009

O'My Goodness! Nut-Free Decorated Cookies!

One of my readers, Kelsey, gave me a tip on a nut-free cookie company in Lake Bluff, Illinois called O'My Goodness.

She had recently received a bunch of beautifully decorated cookies and wanted to share the news with all of us. Thanks for the info, Kelsey!

The site maintains that their facility is peanut-free, so I e-mailed the company and asked if it is tree nut-free also. The company's VP sent me a reply which stated that the company uses no nuts of any kind in its products--they only make plain iced/decorated butter cookies and gingerbread cookies. Sounds good to me!

Check out the link to see the selection--they really are stunning and apparently delish as well. I will have to let you know when I try them myself, but Kelsey says they're great. I am a miserable cookie decorator but am working on it. Being able to buy professionally decorated cookies would be a little slice of nirvana.

On the customer message board, one grandmother wrote in to say how happy she was that her peanut-allergic granddaughter got to eat the "wedding favor" cookies provided by O'My Goodness at a recent event. So if you need that type of thing, check them out.

The company ships all across the U.S. and will do expedited shipping as well. If you have any concerns, please contact O'My Goodness directly, but based on the information I received, it looks like they're a go for nut-free kids.


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Oh my goodness is right, this is great.

Love the new look....Off to check out the cookies.

Tiffani Hill-Patterson said...

Just wanted to say how much I love the new banner/header! It's awesome ... like you!

:-) Tiff

Kelsey said...

Ha! I think that grandmother was my mother-in-law - those wedding favor cookies were how we found out about the company. :-)

I also like the new look - though I wondered at first if I was in the right place.

I don't know if you saw - but we recently bought a used minivan. We had it detailed before I let the kids get in it and guess what they found when they were cleaning out the car... Peanut shells! Thank goodness I thought to have it thoroughly cleaned.

Jenny said...

Thanks everybody for your comments about the banner! There's nothing like having a professional graphic designer working w/you. She did a great job and I'm glad to hear the positive feedback! :)

kelly said...

i agree with tifanni! this banner is super cool and i totally love it! so, are these cookies dairy free too jenny?

Jenny said...

Thanks for the feedback on the banner.

Kelly, sadly I think the cookies are only nut-free but they do contain dairy.

I know a lot of you have nut-free/dairy-free needs so I'm always on the lookout for those businesses as well!

Jane Anne said...

Thanks for sharing the link about the cookies. I, also, love the new look!

Lisa Cooks Allergen Free said...

This is great, can't wait to give them a try, it's nice to see more bloggers in Chicago. Thanks for the great tip

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