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Monday, June 29, 2009

Ming Tsai, Food Allergy Dad and Chef Speaks Out

Anyone who knows about food allergies has to know about Ming Tsai. He recently helped get food allergy legislation passed in his home state of Massachusetts and also is the father of a 9-year-old boy with multiple food allergies.

His restaurant Blue Ginger is a food-allergic diner's dream--they are extremely careful in their protocols due to the fact that Ming is well aware of the possible outcomes of eating an allergen if you've got a life-threatening food allergy. In fact, Jennifer B of Food Allergy Buzz brought her allergic son there for his birthday and if I'm not mistaken they got to meet the man himself. This guy is so inspiring to me for being a foodie who dares to speak out about food allergies--not always welcome news to those in the restaurant biz. And he also is a great role model for all the dads out there--moms aren't the only ones dealing with food allergies, obviously!

Here is a link to a recent Q&A by Ming during his appearance at the recent Aspen Food & Wine Festival. Rock on, Ming! On behalf of all the food allergy parents (and kids) out there, thanks for all you do!


kelly said...

Very cool! Thanks Jenny!

Jen said...

Jenny! Thanks for linking to my interview with Ming! He's a great allergy advocate - and I hope other chefs will follow his lead!

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I also posted a link to one of her interview once on my blog, he is so REAL, I love the way he talks food allergy, no fancy words to impress people, simply, as a matter of fact..he is our hero!
I would so much love to dine there with my daughter!
thanks for sharing.

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