Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Allergy Injectors are Liberating and Daunting"

Here is an interesting link from CNN sent to me by a friend. I like the way it discusses carrying an Epi Pen from the perspective of people who actually carry them, especially adults who have developed severe food allergies in later years.

The inclusion of food-allergic adults in the story is helpful in another way: it proves that anyone can have food allergies and that they can develop them at any age.

This Epi Pen discussion also reminded me that when we received our first diagnosis we kept forgetting the darn thing. It's hard to remember to carry something like that when you're not used to it.

I want to pass on our low-tech means of reminding ourselves to bring the Epi Pen with us: Post-It Notes. We placed them on the dashboard of the car, on the front and back door and on the fridge. I guess it looked a little weird to people when they saw Post-It notes with the word "Epi Pen" on them everywhere in our home, but it worked!

Anyone have a unique way they remember their Epi Pen?


Jenny said...

I've heard that some people are having trouble leaving a comment. If that's the case with you, e-mail me at


Unknown said...

Jenny - Just found your blog today when 'googling' peanut allergy action plan. My son started Kindergarten today at a Peanut Free school and while that is good news - I am still worried. Your blog is very helpful and I will be a frequent visitor. Thanks so much - I LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to leave you a note of thanks for your help with back-to-school this Fall. I did take much of your advice with my daughter's preschool, including the binder of information, etc...
I truly appreciate your advice, experience, tips, and support!

Jenny said...

I'm very happy to know that I helped you prepare for your child's preschool this year.

It's great to know that the knowledge you have gained can help someone else going through the same thing. :)

I hope your family has a great preschool year!--Jenny

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