Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bam! Emeril Takes on Allergy-Free Cooking

My kids have always loved famed chef and TV star Emeril Lagasse--maybe because he talks directly to the camera (as kids shows tend to do) or maybe because he made a Sesame Street cooking video several years ago--one of their favorite videos back in the preschool days.

Either way, he helped get them interested in food and cooking which turned out to be a good thing once we discovered my oldest daughter's severe nut allergies. We cook and bake all the time around here now and the kids enjoy pitching in to help.

So I was happy to discover this joint venture between Emeril and Enjoy Life Foods on YouTube. In it, Emeril visits a Whole Foods store and talks to families with all manner of food allergies and intolerance, including gluten intolerance and nut allergies.

Then, he demonstrates how to make allergy-free brownies that can be enjoyed by families with multiple food issues.

No matter what you think of Emeril, it's clear that the man loves food and is very enthusiastic about the subject so I think he's a great person to advocate for allergy-free food. His participation in this video also shows that food allergies have come a long way in reaching the public consciousness. First Martha Stewart posted allergy-free trick-or-treating tips on her web site and now Emeril tackles allergy-free cuisine! I'm encouraged when I see mainstream figures addressing the subject of allergy-free cooking and baking. It's just becoming an accepted thing--and as Martha would say, that's "a good thing."

Enjoy the clip!


kelly said...

This is awesome!!! I didn't know he was allergen aware!! THanks for posting!

Onespot Allergy said...

We're loving the high profile mainstream coverage of allergy issues too!
Elizabeth Goldenberg, President
Onespot Allergy

Gluten Free foods rock said...


SpinDiva said...

This is great. I always knew there was a connection between food and how we feel after we eat but I think most of us enjoy certain things so much we choose to ignore the signals our bodies give us letting us know something's not right. I am working on being more aware for me and my kids because if the body doesn't like it we really should not eat it. thanks for the message. The clip was great, we love Emeril in my house!

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