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Monday, November 2, 2009

Nut-Free Granola Bars--Where to Find Them

Granola bars are a great, quick and healthy snack--unless you have nut allergies. These bars are usually loaded with nuts or at the very least have come into contact with nuts during the manufacturing process.

I always enjoyed granola bars as a snack and have wished my children could enjoy them as well. They are so easy to pack in a backpack or lunchbox.

The good news is that there are more and more nut-free granola bars on the market these days. Two delicious versions that I've discovered are from Vermont Nut-Free Chocolate and Enjoy Life Foods. The only downside would be that these are a bit pricey. To help with the cost, click here to get an Enjoy Life Foods coupon. You can also find nut-free granola and similar nut-free snacks at FAB Snacks, founded by Jennifer B of the blog Food Allergy Buzz.

Enjoy Life Foods are available at many supermarkets across the U.S. including Whole Foods Market. They are also now available at Jewel grocery stores in the Chicago area--that's where I buy mine.

What are some reader favorites? I can't try them every granola bar out there, so let me know!


Kelsey said...

What do you think about ordering the Canadian version of Quaker granola bars, which are nut free? We had always really enjoyed that brand before finding out about my daughter's peanut allergy. I have been hesitant to order them for every day use, since the packaging is so similar to the unsafe ones here... but have a Disney trip coming up and those are sooooo easy to tote along when a quick snack is needed. I know they can be ordered from peanut free planet.

Jenny said...

Yes, I forgot about the Canadian version of Quaker granola bars. They are definitely worth some more investigation--I think Canada has pretty good labeling rules, though. I understand your concerns, though.

Anyone else know about these?

Anonymous said...

A&J nut-free bakery also has some delicious granola bars. They are located in Cranston, R.I. They can also be ordered online.

The Enjoy Life Team said...


We also wanted to inform you and your readers that we will soon be launching a New and Improved Enjoy Life Chewy Snack Bar. We think the current taste is great, but we continue to improve our products for our customers. You will love the New and Improved Flavor, coming VERY soon.

The Enjoy Life Team

kelly said...

we love kashi ceral bars in apple and blackberry. nut and dairy free.

Kristin said...

We LOVE No-Nuttin granola bars. They can be ordered on Peanutfreeplanet or I am a super picky eater and I love them. They are peanut free, tree nut free, dairy free,gluten free,egg free, wheat free, sulfate free and they have no artificial flavors, colors or perservatives! Check them out!

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