Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Monday, December 14, 2009

Nut-Free, Gluten-Free, All-Natural Olive Oil Condiment--Kenzoil!

Like most food allergy moms, I cook at home A LOT and so that means I am always on the lookout for ways to jazz up my repertoire. I like to use olive oil for both taste and health reasons. I've found that flavored or enhanced olive oils that are also nut-free are tough to find, which is a shame because these can add a lot to say, a basic pasta dish.

So imagine my delight when I was recently alerted to the existence of Kenzoil, a nut-free, gluten-free olive oil blend that contains fresh garlic and basil. Yum! It is made of all fresh ingredients with no preservatives so you need to keep it refrigerated.

Kenzoil (named after it's creator, Ken Carlsen) has a terrific fragrance and freshness. I used it last weekend in a couple of pasta dishes and my husband used it as a dip for Italian bread. A little bit goes a long way--it adds a lot of flavor without any effort--chopping basil and garlic, for example. If you're pressed for time (and what mom isn't) this is a great thing to have on hand.

Also, with the winter holidays upon us, this would make a nice hostess gift--and you'd be giving your friends and family something safe and nut-free. Even better.

You can find Kenzoil in stores and farmers markets if you live in the Ann Arbor or Detroit, Michigan area. Otherwise, it's available online and will be shipped to you with its own refrigeration pack to keep it fresh.

Since this is an olive oil product I'm talking about, I feel compelled to mention the following. Many times, the way olive oil is processed is a concern for the nut-allergic. Kenzoil's web site states that the product is handled in their own nut-free facility. Their olive oil is originally imported from Greece--a place that's notorious for the pureness of its olive oil (I should know--my husband is a Greek American!). If you want more info about this product, please visit the Kenzoil web site:

I'm always glad to learn about ways to enhance my home-cooking and I hope you will be too. Let me know what you think of this product!

Note: I received no compensation for this endorsement, other than a sample of the product.

1 comment:

allergymom said...

I've used Kenzoil as a marinade for chicken breasts and flank steak. Very yummy.

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