Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year from The Nut-Free Mom Blog!

I've been light on the blogging over the holidays but I wanted to be sure to say Happy New Year to all of you, my loyal readers and those who've just discovered my blog recently. I hope that my blog has been helpful and that you keep your questions and comments coming. I learn a lot from all of you!

Also, as some of you may know, this is the 2-year anniversary of The Nut-Free Mom Blog. I can't believe it. When I began this blog in January of 2008 I had a feeling that a lot of parents were going through the same things with nut allergies, having the same questions and the same concerns that I was. However, I wasn't prepared for the amount of readership I've received! I'm honored to have become a source of support for so many parents and caregivers dealing with nut allergies--and I've also heard from several adults living with nut allergies. I'm happy to hear from you all and glad to be a resource for you. I'm also happy to have "met" so many other food allergy bloggers. I appreciate all you do.

And of course, without you, the readers, there would be no Nut-Free Mom Blog. Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me, commented on a post or asked a question these past two years. Also, thanks to all of the allergy-friendly businesses who contact me about their terrific, nut-free foods and other products. By supporting these businesses, we make nut-free living a little easier.

Here's to a happy, healthy nut-free New Year for all of us! Thanks for reading and stay tuned in 2010--there's lots more to come!

1 comment:

jenny said...

Happy New Year to you and your family. Let's hope the new year brings many joys, safety and new medical cure for food allergies.

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