Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Peanut Allergy News: Joel Stein Has to Eat His Nutty Words

I just discovered this piece of news from Food Allergy Mama, Kelly, and her recent post on Facebook. Remember Joel Stein, author of the truly vicious OpEd in the LA Times? Thanks to many kind readers, here is the link. (I had tried it a couple of days ago and it was broken.)

The gist of the Stein OpEd is that it lambasted parents of kids with nut allergies by calling into question not only the parents' rationality and intellect, but the reality of nut allergies in the first place. According to Mr. Stein, nut allergies are an invention of "rich, white, Yuppies" who want to "feel special."

Oh, dear. Mr. Stein is now going to have to eat his nutty words, preferably without any jelly to make it all go down easier. Because the August 9 version of Time Magazine has an article by Mr. Stein stating, that, wait for it...his 1-year-old son has nut allergies. Yes, you read that right. I guess truth is stranger than fiction.

At the time he wrote his '09 OpEd LA Times article, Joel Stein had zero tolerance for parents dealing with the often scary reality of a life-threatening food allergy. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my hands on his current article yet because the Time website won't let you read more than a paragraph. I've got to buy the mag, inadvertently contributing to Mr. Stein's earnings. I have a feeling he can use the extra money. Maybe for a membership to FAAN? Or for expensive medication and allergist visits? Or for allergy-friendly foods (which tend to cost more)?

I am saddened for anyone who learns that their child has a life-threatening nut allergy, don't get me wrong. I hope that child stays safe and healthy. Hey, I know of a great blog about nut allergies that might be able to help.....

Unfortunately for Mr. Stein, the reality of nut allergies is not going to reveal itself to him overnight, allowing him to quickly dismiss his previous beliefs and move on. Over the next months and even years, he'll have to cope with many issues he may have never even considered when he wrote his damaging OpEd.

However, when he's ready to find our community, we'll be here with our tips, advice and support because we've already been where he is now, that is, sitting up at 3 in the morning worrying about our child. It all gets easier, Joel. Especially if you keep an open mind.


Loretta Nyhan said...

Jenny, you are 10x classier than Joel Stein.

I feel for his child and the challenges he'll face, but I have to admit a smiled a bit at Mr. Stein's comeuppance.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thank you for your blog and the information you provide. My daughter has a life threatening allergy to peanuts and tree nuts, and I've felt very alone in that until I found your blog and all of the resources you reference. Thank you - from the bottom of my heart.

kelly said...

right on sister! gosh i LOVE your comment about a FAAN Save your money, the Time piece doesn't REALLY say I'm sorry. I believe his words would have had more impact if he took the humor out of the article and was more heartfelt.

Jenny said...

Thanks, everybody! Kelly, I loved your post. I had a feeling he would make light of the whole thing in his current article, but still--what you said about Karma? Love it.

And Loretta, thanks for the compliment.:)

RunCrissieRun, Thank you SO MUCH for your comment. It made my whole day. Please keep reading and feel free to ask any questions.

Hayley Flott owner of Flott Fitness said...

Wow! I missed that article last year. It brought me to tears to see that quote of his. I am truly amazed and disheartened everyday when I deal with people (sometimes friends, yikes!) who think I am "overreacting" to my son's allergies! I hate to say Karma because that boy doesn't deserve this but the Universe sure works in mysterious ways. Let's hope Mr. Stein comes over from the dark side and uses his force for good now. Fabulous job reporting as usual!

Anonymous said...

It just goes to show you that no matter your family background or your personal beliefs, allergies can be lurking in anyone.

Mr. Stein, here is your life lesson...The higher the pedestal you put yourself on, the longer the fall.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to his original article:

Kelly Lynn said...

Here's the address for the '09 article. I came across it a month or so ago and even left a comment. I couldn't believe what I was reading!!,0,3149168.column

Jenny said...

Thanks to everyone who provided the link to the original Joel Stein article! I don't know why the link was broken when I clicked on it. :)

Jenny said...

Just want everyone to know that both the LA Times and the Time articles are now available online.

Jenny said...

I also want to clarify -- because this is becoming an issue-- neither I nor any of my readers references to karma mean that we are happy to hear yet another child has a nut allergy.
I know that is how we all feel, so just wanted to clarify. Since we've been there before, we are never happy to see another child diagonsed.

Noemi said...

My 2 boys have peanut and nut allergies and I was outraged with Joel Steins' VILE piece for the LA Times about how parents make up the food allergies to feel special. Loretta, I smiled too.

Anonymous said...

My 2 boys have peanut and nut allergies and I was outraged with Joel Steins' VILE piece for the LA Times about how parents make up the food allergies to feel special. Loretta, I smiled too.

megan said...

His article in Time magazine is now free to read.,9171,2007417,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

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