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Monday, September 20, 2010

Food Allergy News: FAAN on Lifetime's "The Balancing Act"

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network is really working hard to raise food allergy awareness and educate the general public about food allergies. Don't miss their appearance on Lifetime TV this Tuesday, September 21st! I just received the following alert from FAAN e-news:

Remember to tune into “The Balancing Act,” on Lifetime Television, Sept. 21 at 7:00 a.m. for a segment about food allergies featuring FAAN. Click in the link for the show's promo and be sure to tune in!

The program will feature interviews with our Heart of FAAN Child Ambassador Leandro de Armas, Brian Hom, who tragically lost his son as the result of a fatal food allergy reaction, and Maria Acebal, FAAN’s Vice President of Research and General Counsel, as well as a demonstration of how to use an epinephrine auto-injector.

Let's show our support for public education about life-threatening food allergies by watching this much-needed program!


Anonymous said...

hello jenny!

I love your blog and appreciate all of the helpful information I get here!
I am wondering if you know whether jell-o is safe for people with peanut/tree nut allergy? I guess I am just nervous to try anything new...but my daughter's kindergarten is doing an "experiment" with it and was wondering if you knew!

thank you!

Jenny said...


Regarding the Jell-O question, I have used the fruit Jell-O flavors without a problem as well as Jell-O pudding. Here is a link to the Jell-O website:

Since the brand is owned by Kraft, they will list allergen info on the package. I would read the ingredients labels of Jell-O that your child's school intends to use for the project. The fruit flavors and basic chocolate and vanilla pudding flavors should not pose a nut allergy risk, but to everyone I always say: check the label first! :)

As I said, I have not had problems using Jell-O but if you ever want to know about a product and how they list allergen info, always check directly with the company.

Good luck and thanks for writing!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much! this blog helps me to feel not so alone in this! :)

Jenny said...

This in from FAAN everyone. No you're not crazy, the spot didn't air due to a scheduling mishap. It will air next week!

From FAAN:

Hi Everyone...for those expecting to see FAAN on The Balancing Act this morning, it was not aired. Lifetime changed the date to next Tuesday, 9/28, and did not relay the message to anyone, not even their Host. They have apologized for this mistake, but please set your DVR's/Tivo's for next Tuesday at 7am, 9/28. It is a great segment. Thanks.

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