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Friday, February 25, 2011

Food Allergy PSA from Dr. Oz

As many of you might now, Dr. Oz has featured food allergies on his popular TV show, including a demonstration of how detect the signs of anaphylaxis. This show was a wonderful public service. I especially appreciated it since I did not know what the signs of severe food allergy reactions were the first time my daughter experienced one.

Did you know that he also filmed a public service announcement for FAAN?

When public figures like Dr. Oz take the time to speak out about food allergies, it can have a very positive impact on the general public's awareness and acceptance of food allergies, besides giving them crucial health information.

Have any of you seen this PSA on TV before? I like the way he talks about the unexpected nature of food allergies and how they can happen anywhere at school. People think they can only happen in the cafeteria or lunch room, but they can happen anywhere. Awareness is the first step in making schools or any public venue much safer for allergic kids and adults.

Thanks, Dr. Oz, for your support of food allergies!


Lindsay said...

Great video! I wish he would've included us (adults with food allergies) in the numbers, but that's okay. This is excellent! The more attention brought to food allergies, the better...especially from such a respected source as Dr. Oz. Thanks for posting!

Jenny said...

Hi Lindsay,

On the link to the TV show, he spoke about allergic reactions for anyone, not just kids. Which is really important since adult food allergies are increasing as well. It's lways great to have the allergic adult's perspective, so thanks! I appreciate your insights--Jenny

Poker Chick said...

I saw this awhile ago and think it's great. So many people think it's just a lunchroom issue so this was a wonderful place to start education, and what a perfect and credible celebrity spokesperson to deliver the message. Thanks for sharing!

Cara @ This is Where I Come Up With Something Witty said...

Just found your blog (sponsored ad on Facebook, the strange part is I haven't mentioned my son's allergy there yet so I'm not sure how it found me) but... our son was just diagnosed with a tree nut allergy, specifically cashews and walnuts. He had similar reaction to what Dr. Oz showed and was having minor airway issues... I had NO idea at the time because I have never seen anything of the sort. He vomited quite a bit and it seemed that as soon as the allergen was OUT of his system he was fine. Thank you for your great resource! You have a new reader!

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