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Friday, March 25, 2011

Food Allergy News: I'm Co-Hosting a Web Chat on The Motherhood with Lori Sandler of Divvies!

Please mark your calendars for April 12, when I will be co-hosting a web chat with Lori Sandler of Divvies, the fabulous nut-free, dairy-free, egg-free candy and baked goods company that you've seen most recently on The Martha Stewart Show!

I was so happy when Lori asked me to co-host this discussion with her, as I have been a longtime Divvies fan and I love her cookbook "The Divvies Bakery Cookbook." Lori has done so much for those with food allergies and it's a privilege to share in this web chat with her!

The Motherhood is a terrific web site that covers a wide variety of topics related to parenting. Lori's previous Motherhood food allergy chat was one of the site's most widely attended web chats EVER. It's great to see that so many parents with food allergy concerns are finding each other and supporting each other. In fact, this chat was so successful that it sparked an entire "Motherhood" series on food allergies. My chat is part of this series.

On Tuesday, April 12, Lori and I will be talking about dealing with food allergy issues surrounding Camp, Playdates and Sleepovers. With summer just around the corner, these are very timely topics for many of us. I'm so excited to be able to chat with other food allergy parents on finding workable solutions so that our kids can enjoy all the summer fun they deserve.

Speaking of camp and food allergies, I have heard from FAAN that they need more attendees at the food allergy-friendly Camp TAG in Joliet, Illinois in order to ensure it's availability. Kids from 3-12 can attend and kids will be grouped according to age. This is a week-long half-day camp that caters to food allergies while offering plenty of fun activities for kids with food allergies. Non-allergic sibilings are encouraged to attend as well! If your kids can attend this camp, please click here and enroll now!

I will have more info on my Motherhood web chat as the date nears, but in the meantime, you can attend a web chat on April 5 with Lori and Sloane Miller of Allergic Girl as hosts. They will be discussing coping with food allergies and anxiety. Another great topic, so please attend if you can!

Go to The Motherhood web site and register now so that you can attend what will be very informative and fun web chats!


Anonymous said...

Wish they would open a location in Chicago! Do you know if they have plans to expand?

Jenny said...

Not sure if you are talking about Divvies or the FAAN camps? Divvies is available at stores around the country and online and the FAAN camp location for the Chicago area is in Joliet, IL.

SweetDebbie said...

I am the owner of the allergen-free organic bakery in Los Angeles, Sweet Debbie's Organic Cupcakes, and have a son who is severely allergic to tree nuts, dairy, eggs, flaxseed and, of all things, lentils. Just wanted to let you know I'd be happy to share knowledge earned and learned with your readers if they have questions.

Thanks for all you do,
Debbie Adler

Food Allergies said...

FAAN Camps are very useful for parents.

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