Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Friday, September 16, 2011

Food Allergy and Back to School: My Post for the FAAN Website

I was so honored when FAAN asked me to write about going back to school with food allergies for their blog, FAAN Notes. It got me thinking about the many lessons I've learned over the years and how far our family has come in terms of growth and adapting to the challenges of food allergies.

Here is a link to my post. I hope you enjoy it, and that you will also check out the many great back to school resources that FAAN has to offer on their site. Thanks to FAAN for all that you do!

1 comment:

Poker Chick said...

Just got an advance copy of a new children's book called "The Princess and the Peanut" - I am getting this for my daughter's school library! Back to school seems to be getting easier every year - every year there seems to be more packaged safe foods, more awareness, there's still a long way to go but so nice to see progress. Glad to see so many sharing your back to school advice.

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