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Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Living Without" Magazine--Check It Out

I just came across a great magazine so I thought I'd give it a shout out here. It's called Living Without and it's a publication geared towards people with food allergies and sensitivities.

The home page says that the magazine is now celebrating its 10th anniversary. That's no surprise, since the incidence of food allergies really started to explode at about that time.

I can't believe I never had heard of this before and as soon as I get moved into my new place I'm ordering a subscription. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get my hands on a copy.

It looks like the 'zine is not yet available most stores, but you can order it online. Hopefully it will be more widely available soon. I've seen "Diabetic Living" at the supermarket checkout line, so hopefully Living Without won't be far behind.

Kudos to the editors for creating such a great resource for people with food allergies! Thank you.

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