Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How's Summer Going So Far?

With Independence Day just passed, most of us have our summer plans and kids' activities in full swing. So I wondered how it's going for you? How have your food allergy plans been working at camp, play dates, swim lessons, day care and other activities outside of the home? Have you skipped anything or modified anything due to your child's food allergies?

For example, I enrolled my daughter in an activity that had the option of having them stay for lunch. They had sessions with or without the lunch option, but the program stays the same. (For the record, the organization has a strict No Peanut Butter policy.)

I decided to have her attend the "no lunch" session almost without thought. It just seems easier to me, especially since school is such a constant struggle with food issues all year long. Later, I wondered if maybe I should have let her do the lunch option (it would have kept her there an extra hour each day--and we moms know how much we crave that extra hour!) but I didn't want to even introduce the risk. That just feels better to me.

The good news is we're going out, doing the things we want to do and have incorporated caution into our lives so much already that it doesn't seem like a big deal to skip certain foods or modify certain activities like the one I just mentioned. That's gotta be good, right?

I'm curious to know what other compromises you've made this summer and how they've worked out for you.


Michelle said...

Thank you so much for your blog. My almost-3-year-old son was just diagnosed with peanut allergies and we're avoiding all the tree nuts and facilities and equipment.

I just found your blog and it's been the most helpful reading I've had since that visit to the allergist.

Jenny said...


Thank you for your kind remarks. I am thrilled to know that this blog is helping you. That's one of the reasons I write my blog--when I was first in your shoes I really felt alone.

And hey, all of you facing new diagnoses, let me know if there are any topics you'd like to see covered.

Thanks for reading, Michelle!

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