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Monday, December 1, 2008

Activeaide Auto Injector Pouch

I just got this new EpiPen carrier from Activeade, an Australian company that carries a variety of allergy-related accessories. In the interest of full disclosure, I was contacted by the company and asked to review the product. I've been looking for a product like this for awhile now, and I'm happy to say that it seems to be very useful.

I like it a lot better than my usual Ziploc bag approach--the EpiPen is better protected and easier to spot in my overloaded handbag.

The pouch is made from a light-weight, heavy duty material and it also has an padded thermal silver lining, to protect the medication from heat and cold.

A ring at the back (not pictured in the photo) allows you to clip it to a belt or hang it on a hook. The ring also allows you to attach an identification card (included) and there is room to store a small action plan card.

We recently used this product when my daughter attended a birthday party, and also when we went to visit relatives for the holidays. I like the bright color--easy to spot--and the thermal lining, especially with winter here. My daughter chose not to attach it to her body at the party, since it was a "gymnastics" party, but I still felt like the product would be easy for her to use that way, say, going on a Girl Scout outing or school field trip.

Another food allergy blogger, Jennifer B of Food Allergy Buzz commented on her use of this product recently and she had some good information about it. Click here for her comments.

You can also order a double wide EpiPen carrier, for carrying two Epis at one time, and there are more colors available too.

If you're interested, check the Activeaide website for ordering details. Even though this product arrived from Australia, I got it fairly quickly here in the States.

It's always great to find a new company that helps make allergic living a little bit easier! Let me know if anyone else orders this and what you think of it.


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I like the bright color, easy to find in my overloaded black purse. I am sure that would do good with our heat here. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Jenny, thanks for the links. I am impressed with this epipen carrier. I feel like an advertisement because I am enthusiastic about it, but it really is a well made carrier. I just left an epipen sans this carrier in the car in freezing temps. That's money down the drain! I should keep all the epipens that leave the house in one of these pouches.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, thanks for sharing this product. I just emailed them a question about the insulation part. Perhaps you would share your experience in regarding to the extreme weather temperatures in our area.
I order a Frio for the summer to keep it cool. While it works well, it has problems. In the winter, I use the most primitive way - wrap the epi pens up big time in a glove....

Jodi said...

This looks nice. We have several of the allergy pack carriers - and have been happy with them also - in particular the one that has the inhaler carrier.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny
So how do you like this? I emailed them twice and never heard back.... hmmm, did you have a better experience with them?

Jenny said...

I like it--as far as the insulation part goes, I trust it for day trips but I wouldn't leave my EpiPen overnight in the car even if it were protected with this pouch.

I'm surprised you haven't heard back--I'll contact them myself.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, thank you, thank you!!! Yes, the twice I wrote to them regarding to more questions on the insulation part (once right after I read your blog and as soon as I did that, I realized that I had indeed wrote to this company before.)
Even checked my spam folder - nothing there??
As your know, our temperature has been around low 20s and I wrap the epi pens tightly with fleece materials ( in hope that it will not get too cold)
If I don't heard from them, do you mind I check in with you again in a few more months and get another feedback on the carrier? If it's positive, I might get one.
We are heading to the city this coming weekend and visit museums, hope the weather will warm up a bit.

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