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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gluten-Free Pasta Follow-Up

A while back I blogged about gluten-free pasta and how it sometimes contains a protein called lupin that can cause reactions in nut-allergic people. I wondered if this is something we should look out for in restaurants, etc.

Well, I have some more info, thanks to my fellow allergy blogger and writing buddy who let me know the name of the gluten-free pasta that contains the lupin ingredient. It's called Bi-Aglut. Also, she found this at a conference for people with celiac disease and the people she spoke with there were also concerned about this pasta's potential to cause allergic reactions in those with nut allergies. In other words, it seems that many gluten-free eaters are aware and that's great!

It doesn't sound like this pasta is widely used in restaurants, but if you are at a restaurant that touts gluten-free entrees, you may want to ask.

Also, if you have friends that are eating gluten-free, maybe skip the pasta when you eat with them or at least take a peek at the package.

We still need to be careful of the gluten-free pasta, but at least it's probably not a huge issue for us--yet! :)

If anyone has any questions, let me know and I'll see what other information I can uncover.


WinnFamily said...

Have you read this great article about a little boy saving his brother's life with an epi-pen? Wow!

ZM said...

no worries - we'll just stick with reading labels. Every label. Especially when we're out of the house!

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