Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wishing You a Warm, Wonderful Allergy-Free Holiday!

Just a quick note to wish you all a wonderful allergy-free holiday!

I appreciate your readership, the great allergy tips that you share and the warm show of support that you show to me and your fellow food allergy parents and sufferers all year long.

My best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!

I'm looking forward to hearing about your holiday success stories and helpful tips very soon. You can expect lots more from me as well.

Best to you and yours!
The Nut-Free Mom


Lise Samson said...

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Poker Chick said...

Happy holidays to you too!

Anonymous said...

THnaks so much! Happy holidays to you as well! Looking forward to another year together!

bashley said...

Glad I stumbled upon your blog. I'm in the same boat as your daughter--severely allergic to ALL nuts. Hey, but I'm 56, surviving, no thriving! Been closed to death's door a few times, but I haven't had an incident for many years.

Anyhoo, look forward to reading your posts. If I can help, in a capacity as a "mature" nutcase, feel free!


Anonymous said...

Dear "Nut-Free Mom", what a wonderfull blog you have! My compliments.

As mother of 2 kids with allergies and asthma (but no live-threat-allergies) I know how it is to get around in a still -non-allergy focusses world. :-)

Did you ever heard about our website for allergyfree holidays? Please look at www. available in Dutch, English and German.

If you want to know more, please let me know and please keep writing!

Sincerely Wendy van Dalen

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