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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Not Nuts--Living with Food Allergies Documentary

Yes! The food allergy documentary we've been waiting for. I feel like purchasing this for the school, family, everyone we know!

I read about this on Food Allergy Buzz and am posting about it here because I want everybody to know about this. Thanks for the tip, Jennifer B!

Here is a link to the site about the documentary "I'm Not Nuts: Living with Food Allergies" by Kevin Lindenmuth that is slated to run on PBS stations in May. You can watch a clip on this site, also--just scroll down. I watched it and it nearly had me in tears. Hearing from those who understand how serious this is and who understand that food allergies are NOT a food preference or a food intolerance was a revelation. The documentary interviews parents, kids and top allergists and food allergy advocates. You'll probably recognize some of the names, including Dr. Scott Sicherer, a prominent allergist and author.

You can order this DVD on and I suggest you snag a copy for your family and your school!

Also, PBS stations will not run this program, free to the public, unless you show your interest! Please contact your local PBS station later today and ask for it by name! Think of all the non-allergic people who can learn from a documentary like this. I've always thought that if more people understood food allergies, they would be more tolerant and accommodating. This is a great way to start getting the message out there!


Unknown said...

Jenny, so glad you are mentioning this documentary. It really is a great primer on food allergies. I strongly recommend it. I hope it is aired on many PBS stations. What an convenient, effortless, and great way to educate friends and family!

I am still waiting to hear back from WGBH in Boston. I would be interested to know if anyone has received word that their local PBS station is showing the film. Thanks for encouraging readers to request it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this...did you contact WTTW? I feel the same...I'll purchase a copy to give to my kid's school, etc.

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