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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whew! Made It Through Another School Year!

Today was my two daughters' last day of school---they just finished up kindergarten and 3rd grade, respectively, and I'm finding myself a little bit emotional today, but in a good way.

As I went to the school office to pick up my daughter's allergy medications, I remarked to the health aide "Thank you. And thank goodness we didn't have to use them."

This fact hit home with me even more as the school kids were released for summer break and they flooded out of the building. We had a good year at our new school and the best part--no allergic reactions. You can't ever take that for granted. I feel very thankful today.

Summer isn't without it's food allergy challenges--travel, food-related events, day camps that serve PB&;J (or other allergenic foods)-- but I for one am taking a moment to be thrilled that my daughter came through another year of school both healthy and happy.

OK--time to break up an argument in the back yard!


Unknown said...

Yay! So glad to hear it was a successful year. It was for us too. And yes, I have a feeling I'll be settling some arguments soon too.

Unknown said...

Yay for a good year ... my DD will finish up her Kindergarten year tomorrow. Like you I will be thrilled to pick up her epi and meds knowing that they were NOT needed for her year of school - whew! :-) Praying that next year will be the same. :-D

Mary Beth said...

I had the same feeling and even teared up a little bit when the teacher gave me the "rescue pack" - she was obviously very relieved herself. Since this was my daughter's first year of preschool, I felt especially victorious - one school year reaction-free, only 13 more to go! :)

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