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Friday, April 30, 2010

The Future of Food Allergy from Allergic Living Magazine!!!

I am big fan of Allergic Living magazine, a Canadian-based 'zine that covers everything you need to know about living with allergies of all kinds and they devote a great deal of time to food allergies. Unlike some other allergy magazines out there, they don't dwell on gluten-and dairy-free eating--they always include nut allergies as a primary focus. It's the only magazine I know that really does this, so I love them for that. They also have a chart for air travel with peanut allergy that guides you on which airline to choose. Check their web site for details.

Right now, they have a 5th anniversary issue available--on newsstands in Canada, but if you live in the U.S. you may need to order it. I truly recommend a subscription! You can't afford to miss Allergic Living and what the awesome editor Gwen Smith brings to you. Follow Gwen and her magazine on Twitter!

The anniversary issue covers the future of food allergy--everything from a study of a hypoallergenic peanut to the use of Chinese herbs and their role in raising the threshold for allergic reactions. They also examine schools, workplaces, airlines and all public arenas and future policies for dealing with food allergy.

I hope you'll give Allergic Living a try. I realize that some of you may not know about it--so now you do. Let me know how you like it. I think you're going to wonder--as I did--how you lived without it!


jenny said...

thank you Jenny for the introduction. I did not know about this magazine and from the website alone, I already like how much information is given, I think I will give it a try!

Unknown said...

I love Allergic Living! Great source of info and they are a real force in the FA community both online and offline. Great post! :)

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