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Monday, June 7, 2010

Peanut Allergy News: Peanuts May Be Banned from U.S. Flights

Jennifer B of Food Allergy Buzz recently alerted me to the fact that the U.S. Department of Transportation is considering removing peanuts from airlines because of the risk of allergic reaction in the air. To show your support for this policy, click this link.

Currently if you decide to travel by air with a peanut allergy, it's possible to have a flight where the snack is not peanuts but many airlines insist on serving them no matter what. "Buffer zones" have been offered but are a contradiction in terms. If the airline is recognizing that surrounding an allergic person with peanuts are a hazard to their health, then just don't serve them. The cabin of an airplane is not a place where you want to have an allergic reaction, when you've got literally minutes to get medical treatment or possibly die.

Some of the early commenters think that peanuts should be replaced by cashews. I think all peanuts and tree nuts should be banned or limited on airlines. Most people with peanut allergies also have to avoid tree nuts. I fear that if peanuts are banned, they will be replaced with almonds or some other tree nut. That doesn't help most of us and I don't think the airlines necessarily know that. Also, for some reason, even though many other types of substances and behaviors aren't allowed on public conveyances like airplanes, the thought that peanuts may not be on offer has some people going GAGA. And I don't mean like "Lady." They are steamed at the thought of having an alternative snack. Some people also think that if allergic people simply avoid the snack, it's all good. Unfortunately, that is not true. You guys know the drill, but so many don't.

So, please share your experiences at the link! Also, if you'd like more support on this, Jennifer B and I created a Facebook group called "You Don't Need Nuts to Fly." Members share their airline stories--good, bad and ugly---and give each other advice about how to handle air travel in this nutty world. Visit and look up our group name to find the link.


Unknown said...

Jenny, yes, I got the link as well and while I am excited about this, I don't want to bring my hope up to high so I don't get disappointed again.
thank you for your hard works always!

Anonymous said...

can you fly safely with your daughter? i am too afraid to try again, since the last time (4 yrs ago) my 18 month old presented with hives on her face mid-flight. they resolved with benadryl, but it must have been airborne bc she had not eaten anything and they did not serve them on our flight (we made the announcement).

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