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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Encouraging Food Allergy News on a College Campus--UW-Madison

As a proud graduate of University of Wisconsin-Madison, it is no surprise to me that this compassionate and progressive school would have a proactive approach to students' food allergies. I had to share this story from The Capital Times. It is inspiring and comforting. And besides that, University of Wisconsin-Madison is a terrific school. I loved my years there and I'm happy to see their accommodating measures for food allergies. My girls have visited Madison many times and said they want to attend the university someday. I say--go for it, girls!

I know it seems like a long way off to some of us, especially if your child has just been diagnosed. But I thought it was important to share this story as we all enter into back-to-school mayhem. If a huge university can have a positive food allergy policy for their food service, so can every school, everywhere.

Madison is just a great place and the campus rocks. I'll never forget when we took a trip with our two kids, then 4 and 18 months. My daughter wanted their delicious ice cream (made on campus from the school's own cows from agricultural studies!) and a student worker got a new scoop and opened a new container of ice cream just for her. My daughter still remembers that kind gesture.

This story should serve as reminder to all of us dealing with school flak that schools can and should help us make school a safer place for food-allergic kids.

Go Badgers!

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