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Friday, May 21, 2010

Nut-Free Trail Mix from Enjoy Life Foods!

I recently had the good fortune to try the new Enjoy Life Foods product No Nuts! Nut-Free Trail Mix! "No Nuts" Trail Mix from Enjoy Life is what we've been waiting for at my house. My daughter always loved the idea of trail mix--but all brands always contained peanuts or tree nuts.

Not anymore! Enjoy Life "No Nuts" Trail Mix to the rescue. It's a great treat for my daughter to bring to school and she's already gotten a lot of her (non-allergic) friends interested in it.

We tried both flavors: "Mountain Mambo" and "Beach Bash." Mountain Mambo has pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips and more delicious salty-sweet flavors. Beach Bash has dried apricots, cranberries, sunflower seeds and more.

Each flavor is free of peanuts, tree nuts, gluten, dairy and soy. Be aware that the flavors do contain sunflower seeds if that's an allergy concern for you.

How wonderful to have a sweet and salty but healthy snack for my kids. They've both rushed to eat this delish trail mix after school and it's great to have this option.

My daughter's review of both flavors was "They're salty, crunchy and sweet. Just kind of perfect!" I would agree. I think she may have had a slight preference for Mountain Mambo because of the chocolate chips--she's a chocoholic. Don't know where she gets that from.

Click this link to go directly to the Enjoy Life web site page devoted to No Nuts! Trail Mix.

You can find No Nuts! Trail Mix at Whole Foods. I spoke with the Enjoy Life rep and she said this new product is now available at all Whole Foods stores. You can also order online at the Enjoy Life website.

Note: Other than free food samples, I received no other reimbursement for this review.

1 comment:

caramama said...

This is so great to hear! We've been mixing our own trail mix, but there is not much in it and it's just not the same. My husband was just lamenting that he would love to share trail mix with our daughter. Now I will order some of this so he can!

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