Nut-Free Mom Blog - Pages

Monday, May 17, 2010

Safe for Peanut Allergy: Nut-Free, Egg-Free Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

I've had so many questions about ice cream lately that I thought I would share (once again) a very easy and delicious homemade ice cream recipe. You need a Cuisinart electric ice cream maching or the ice cream maker of your choice.

Homemade is always safer than store-bought, so enjoy! And have your kids make this with you.

Nut-Free, Egg-Free Vanilla Ice Cream

Break out the ice cream machine for this great basic vanilla ice cream recipe! Also known as "Philadelphia" ice cream, this traditional recipe does not contain eggs.

1 vanilla bean or 2 tsp pure vanilla extract (McCormick brand is what I usually use--Nielsen Massey is also great.)
4 cups heavy cream or heavy creamy mixed with half-and-half for a lighter flavor
3/4 cup white sugar, preferably superfine
Pinch salt

If using a vanilla bean, split in half and scrape out the seeds. (Keep the pod to make vanilla sugar, basically a vanilla bean placed inside a closed container of sugar for about a week. Wonderful in everything from cakes and cookies to coffee drinks.)

Combine all ingredients and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Churn in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions. Serve immediately or freeze about 2 hours for a firmer consistency. For optimum flavor, allow to soften slightly in the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving.


Jane Anne said...

All I have to do now is get an ice cream maker! This looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

The Cuisinart ice cream maker (approx. $50.00) is worth every penny! If you buy it, you'll like it, Jane Anne.

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