So many readers of this blog and my Nut-Free Mom Facebook page have the same concerns and questions and this book puts the key information that you want in the same place, in an easy-to-follow, concise and upbeat format.
This is a parenting how-to and lifestyle guide, not a medical book, although working with your allergist is discussed. This book picks up where the allergist leaves off, speaking parent to parent, about the challenges we face every day.
In this book, you'll discover how to:
make your home an “allergy-safe” zone;decipher confusing food labels and grocery shop for allergies; educate friends and family members and about nut allergy safety;vet restaurants and other eating establishments for possible pitfalls; make your environment as safe as possible while still enjoying all that life has to offer; talk to young children about allergies and help them to be positive and self-advocating; adapt to your family’s new, nut-free way of life; nut-free resources, from foods to accessories; and more strategies to help you care for a nut-allergic child without going nuts in the process.
make your home an “allergy-safe” zone;decipher confusing food labels and grocery shop for allergies; educate friends and family members and about nut allergy safety;vet restaurants and other eating establishments for possible pitfalls; make your environment as safe as possible while still enjoying all that life has to offer; talk to young children about allergies and help them to be positive and self-advocating; adapt to your family’s new, nut-free way of life; nut-free resources, from foods to accessories; and more strategies to help you care for a nut-allergic child without going nuts in the process.
This is the book I wish I had when my daughter was first diagnosed. The book is specific with regard to peanut and tree nut allergy issues, but much of the book addresses the things parents go through when dealing with any food allergy.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible and for all the support I've received over the years from you, the readers of this blog and my NFM Facebook page! This one's for you.
Jenny - I look forward to reading this ebook!
I am taking our peanut and shellfish allergic daughter to a birthday party soon. It is at an indoor playground where pizza and cake will be served. I plan on bringing our own cupcakes for sure. I called the playground and inquired about where the pizza comes from and then also inquired with the pizza place about allergens. They say that there are no peanuts on the menu and that there is one shellfish item on the menu which is made in its own container. They insist that there is no concern with cross contamination. I would like to hear your opinion on this - would you allow your child to eat this pizza? I think of cross contamination issues etc. and we do order pizza ourselves from a local pizza place but this is a different twist since we are not soing the ordering, transporting or serving. I am trying to find the line of balance between protecting our child and going overboard.
Hi there! Thanks, I hope you enjoy it. I go into lots of detail on this type of thing in the e-book--but the short answer on this specific situation is that I tell parents to trust their gut. If after speaking to a restaurant you still feel uncomfortable, send your child with her own food and explain to the host family that you are doing this because of multiple food allergies. It is always tricky to find the balance, you're absolutely right. But sometimes the cautious choice is the best choice. You sound like you're doing a great job and I hope your daughter has a great time!
Does your e-book discuss how to deal with parents of children who also have nut allergies, but don't take the same precautions that you do? We avoid cross-contact and always make sure our daughter has her epipen. However, the three other families in my daughter's class who deal with nut allergies don't take the same precautions and don't always feel the need to carry epipens. It is confusing for my daughter (who's only 5), the teachers and other families. Some of the parents (and maybe even a teacher or two) see us as overreacting because the other families don't go to the same lengths that we do. She is in the minority in terms of nut-allergic children who must avoid cross-contact at the school. They keep asking me if she's ever been hospitalized from a severe reaction (which, thankfully, she hasn't been). I tell them we are going off of doctor advice (2 different opinions, to be precise), but there's still doubt. I'm looking for advice on how to best deal with it. Thanks!
Hi, My book covers the topic of educating others and how to deal with those who question your methods of allergy management, though not specifically with regard to school Lots of info about working with others, though. :) If you have shared medical docs from an allergist and they still question you, I would be concerned too.
Sorry...to clarify, show the med docs to the school officials, not other parents. :)
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