100% natural and sweetened with fruit juice and honey. The Crunchy Flax also has whole grain, Omega-3s and lots of good fiber.
When my daughters tried the Very Berry Granola and Cranberry Apple Granola, the response was the same: "Mmmmmmm."
My oldest daughter (pictured) is the one with the nut allergy and she's now mixing the cereal with the granola as a "trail mix" to bring for her school snack. Her little sister is really enjoying the granola as well--even though she doesn't need to eat nut-free. I think that's a testament to how tasty Enjoy Life products are!
It's hard to find nut-free granola so needless to say we are thrilled with these and will make a point of stocking up once our supply runs out (and the way things are going that may be today!)
My kids also love the breakfast cereal--and so do I. The flavor is great and the other thing I like is that it's not overly sweet. I'm always looking for ways to add flax to the diet and this is a delicious way of doing so. A few readers have asked recently about how to make a nut-free "streusel" topping for baked goods. I think either these of these cereals or the granola are a great way to add crunchy texture without the nuts! So there's another reason to love these products.
Best of all is the fact that all of these products are made in a dedicated nut-free facility. In fact, Enjoy Life is free of all of the top 8 allergens and are gluten-free as well. These items are "allergy-friendly" as every package states. "Nut-free facility" and "allergy-friendly" are two terms that mean SO MUCH to us when we're looking for safe foods for our kids. As many of us have discovered, natural foods can mean "chock full of nuts" or at least they will have had cross-contact. Not so with Enjoy Life Foods--you can eat nut-free as well as naturally. To me, that's like the Visa commercial: Priceless.
You can find Enjoy Life Foods products at many supermarkets including Whole Foods and your local grocery store. Or order online by visiting their web site: http://www.enjoylifefoods.com/. You can even download grocery store coupons on the site. Enjoy Life Foods are also now available in Canada.
Be on the lookout for more Enjoy Life Foods products--they're always coming up with more allergy-free choices.
Note: I received no compensation for this review other than food samples. The opinions expressed are mine and mine only.
Hi Jen - Please advise where these Enjoy Life products are sold in the Chicagoland area.
Hi, you can get them at Whole Foods and also some of the products are at Jewel. If you go to the Enjoy Life Foods web site, they also will have a storefinder. Not every Whole Foods has all of their products, though--try the bigger stores for the best selection. Enjoy! :)
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