What are Boom Choco Boom bars? They are delicious dairy-free, gluten-free and NUT-FREE bars of chocolatey goodness. The bars are made with rice milk and they come in several varieties including dark chocolate, milk chocolate and crispy rice chocolate--my daughter's favorite (and mine.) We do not need to avoid dairy around here but let me tell you, people, these bars disappeared quicker than you can say "Hey, are there any more of those Boom Choco Boom bars left?" My entire family, including my daughter without any food allergies LOVED these bars.
One thing I really enjoyed about them was they have all the chocolate taste but a much lighter feel on the palate due to the rice milk. They don't "overfill" your tummy. This may be why my oldest kept asking to eat more of these. She told me to tell my readers that she "thought she was gonna die" if I didn't give her another crispy rice bar right after the first one. So of course I did. What's a mom to do?
These bars are available at Whole Foods stores throughout the U.S.--look in the candy section. In the Whole Foods I shop at, the candy section is located near the deli and bakery aisles. If you can't find them, you can also order them directly from Enjoy Life. Follow this link to get a coupon for Boom Choco Boom!
Nut-free chocolate is hard to find--nut-free, gluten-free and dairy-free chocolate that tastes great is even harder to find. I think these candy bars would make great stocking stuffers.
FTC Note: I received food samples but no compensation for this review.
I bought one of those bars at our Good Food Store since it is peanut free, wanted to try it out. It's sitting in the cupboard, we haven't tried it yet. Now I just may have to since it sounds like it's delicious :) Thanks for sharing!!
the enjoy life mini choc chips are excellent, as well. all my daughter's friends LOVE them and say they are the best choc chip cookies ever! :)
Crispy Rice Chocolate is my favorite too, and I used the milk chocolate bars to make s'mores this summer (so that I could enjoy the same treat as all of my friends at bonfires). I hope they make a caramel-filled chocolate bar someday. Enjoy Life is simply the best! :)
Those are the GREATEST! We found them in wholefood from time to time. And yes, I agree, that lighter taste but full chocolate favor is super!
My kids love these bars. We can usually find them at Wegmans in the natural foods section. It is nice to be able to buy them a candy bar at the grocery store.
These bars are really good. i also like the NoNuttin granola bars. Since you avaoid nuts (they also don't have any dairy), you might really like them. They are more healthy than the Boom Choco bars.
Gluten Free. Allergy Free. Be Free.
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