Any parent sending a child off to school with life-threatening peanut allergies has fears for a reason. Still, to me school is a right of all children, not just those fortunate enough not to have food allergies. And every child, allergies or not, has a right to an equal education. I don't want class time to suffer, either, for any student. As a parent, I want school to be about school. So why is it so often about food????? Cut down on the frequency of non-lunchtime eating and a lot of this problem is solved.
Education is the key word for me. I have a difficult time supporting what parents in this case feel are other "rights" being violated, such as the "right" to eat birthday treats in the classroom or the right to certain foods at class parties. These are non-curriculum activities, so while these practices trigger extremely strong emotions in people on both sides of the issue, I don't know that eating a cupcake at school during class time is an actual "right."
The latest news is that parents at the Florida school are now asking that the girl with the allergy be kept at home and home schooled. I was glad to see the school comment that this is against the law to force this on someone but the entire story has me (and many of you) very troubled. Peanut allergies are serious, yes, but some basic procedures will greatly cut down on the risk of reactions. Also, under the law, the child cannot be forced into homeschooling. I know that emotions run high when it comes to our children, but I would ask those protesting if they would also protest accommodations made for children with cancer, diabetes or asthma?
The thing about food allergies is that it does require cooperation from others. And many times, people don't want to give it. Food allergies sometimes reveal what we are willing to do for other people. Some generous individuals want to help all they can; some want to hang on tight to their food "rights" and not give an inch. It's tough.
I'm not sure why the firestorm erupted at this particular school. It's unclear what, if any, peanut allergy protection measures were in place before. It seems that the idea of frequent hand-washing and twice a day mouth-rinsing gave rise to parents protesting that this will take too much time out of the school day.
I feel that I live on both sides of this issue because I have two children, one with severe, life-threatening nut allergies and one without food allergies at all. I do understand why some parents who don't understand this issue may question accommodations for peanut allergies even if it hurts me to see children with this serious medical condition stigmatized and often vilified.
When food allergy accommodation at school is successful, this is usually the result of teamwork from the allergic families, the school and the education of the entire parent population. If the picketing parents would have been given a chance to attend a meeting or if they were sent home notes and given a chance to speak to the administrators of the school (again, I don't know that they weren't given this; it's unclear from news reports) then would they have reacted so negatively and so strongly?
I'm hoping that the new FAAMA guidelines (to be implemented by the end of this year) will help give schools some direction in terms of how to have food allergy protocols in place.
On a positive note, I'm aware, both in my own life and through others' stories, of amazing help from wonderful teachers and effective food allergy procedures put into place through the work of dedicated parents and informed schools. It does take work and it does take cooperation, but we can keep our kids safe at school while they learn, grow and thrive.
Here is a Food Allergy Back-to-School Checklist that I published some years ago. The rules still hold true and I still abide by this list each year.
Please also see this link to a Chicago Tribune article about food allergies at school.
Very well said! Thank you for writing this blog post. It makes me feel less alone to know that others have the same feelings as I do regarding this recent news story.
This is such an emotionally charged issue. I also have one child with food allergies and the another without. I get both sides. This protest in Florida drives me to continue to be an advocate for children with food allergies. In our family food is never more important than showing compassion. We teach our children to care for others, as many of your readers do as well.
The idea of this burns me up as a school teacher and a parent of a child with a food allergy. Our school district however has "nutritional guidelines". We are only allowed certain foods that meet certain nutritional standards. Which means most candy and cupcakes are out. We do provided some lowfat ones that parents can buy in the caferteria and give out for lunch. We can use these things in a lesson, but I know I always make sure to follow any allergies I have when bringing in food for an activity. I have too much to teach to worry about parties and birthdays. School isn't about that and these parents should see this. I am very new to the peanut allergy as we were just diagnosed last month. My older child has no allergies and I hate the fact she misses out on some of the treats she's always had. But I am working to find other treats that we can enjoy as a family so that no one person is left out or blamed.
My daughter has very severe nut allergies...and her brother does not touch anything with nuts..out of love and concern for his sister. He does this happily, and at his own free will. I am very proud of my son... It is in situations like this where people show thier true colors. My son shows his...and these Florida parents show thiers...
My son entered kindegarten with life-threatening food allergies to All Dairy, All Tree Nuts, Fish, Shellfish, All Berries, Cherries, Plums, Apples, Apple Juice, Beef, Olive Oil, Olives, Carrots. His class and community was incredible! THey took it upon themselves to establish "lunch buddies" and "snack buddies" and we signed up kids who were willing to sit with him in the cafeteria and eat pre-prepared lunches free of all these allergens. It was such a wonderful experience and I can't thank the community enough! It was a great lesson for all the families. I wish I could meet this Mom and let her know there are so many families who are on her side.
I am not the parent of a child with food allergies and this story makes me mad. Since when did people only start caring about themselves? This is about nothing more than parents who have nothing better to do than complain. Really, they are aginst their kids washing their hands? If this child had cancer they would have some compassion. I think a lot of people dont understand food allergies and lack of knowledge can create much havoc. I know about lack of knowledge about illness, my son is mentally ill. I have experianced challenges due to lack of knowledge. I send my best to the girl and her family.
My 3 yr old has a severe peanut allergy. We had a rocky start to her preschool year, but with education to the school we have hit our stride. The parents have gotten to know us and most are extremely thoughtful of our daughter. We've even had parents bring in all the boxes of ingredients because they wanted to make muffins for the class. I couldn't be happier about how things turned out. Once we forced the school to look at their policy and procedures for all health emergencies things got much better.
I am really horrified that this has gone so badly in Florida. This poor little girl has to feel so alone. That is what we didn't want to happen to our little girl. I think that had the school had a meeting and an open forum that this might have helped. We don't ask that they wash their mouths out though...at the age of this child, I think washing the mouth out is a bit much. But handwashing should not be a big deal...that is good health and eliminates germs besides the peanut protein! There is much to learn from this...it's important to not alienate as it directly affects the child that we want to protect!
I don't have any kids with food allergies, but I sympathize for the families that have to deal with them.
I love your article on this! I just hope that this family stays strong through this and them and their daughter don't become permanent outcasts by her peers families. This is a crucial time for her to make friends in class and have that socialization and these parents that want her out are taking away whatever chances she has at enjoying her rights to an education and even just the basic social aspects of school. It's not hard to wash your hands a couple times a day. Kids should be doing it anyway, we all should be.
I'm glad to see others sharing this story.
I completed a post at my blog this morning (4riction) and thought I'd have look around to see what others were saying.
Expect to hear alot more about this debate, as this story was featured on the Today show this morning. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/42247030#42247030
I agree with the spokesperson from the AAP, that parents are missing a golden opportunity to teach their kids about compassion and community. Instead, what these parents are teaching their children is selfishness and intolerance. What a missed opportunity!
Thank you for this blog. My daughter was recently diagnosed (at age 4) with multiple food allergies and it has been a life changing experience.
I think the tipping point here was the required mouth-rinsing - at that point, you're not policing the classroom environment; you're policing other kids' bodies. It's not a reasonable thing to ask for.
People have been tossing around comparisons to kids with HIV, cancer, and the like - but when's the last time you heard of someone requiring a physical check of the _other_ kids to accommodate the disabled kids?
I find it funny that those parents say their children are missing out because of outside food and parties. You can have great experiences without food! Even birthday parties. Why would they complain about their children being taught at a young age the proper way to keep others safe? It really is easier to understand when you have a child with severe food allergies. But times are changing and people need to follow.
It's not that we as parents of a severe food allergic child are trying to make things difficult we are trying to keep our kids alive! Would they complain if it was a child with cancer and this kept them alive? Probably not. Sad that those parents don't realize the severity.
I am not sure it is fair to expect children to get their faces washed with clorox wipes.
AND, if your child is that allergic to things that even a hint of peanut ever can set them off, I don't see why you would risk it. What if my child ate peanuts for breakfast (peanuts are incidental in a lot of foods) do they have to change clothes when they get there? I agree anyones right to a particular food at lunch or parties is second to health, but is every child at school to now never have peanuts or peanut dust on them. How the heck do you inforce that... each child is sniffed by a dog and then sent home if trace dust appears. How is that fair to their education. There has to be a middle road.
I live in Ontario, Canada every school my son has attended has been nut free. I don't think my child has been deprived of anything. Having this is place leads to healthier snack options which is not a bad thing. Both my son and I were shocked when we watched The Today Show I think my son had a good point he said aren't parents suppose to teach their kids to care about others they are teaching them to be selfish. I feel bad for the six year old who is being held out of school.
No one is asking for children's faces to be washed with Clorox wipes. That was a rumor started by the picketing parents. Who would want that???? That was hyperbole meant to inflame parents--guess it worked.
I agree that there has to be a middle road, and I advocate for reasonable accommodation which is this child's right under the law. Reasonable accommodations may vary depending on how allergic someone is, but in general handwashing, limiting peanut and nut products in the classroom and a peanut-free table are sufficient for allergic kids. I don't know the details of the Florida girl's medical issues so I can't comment directly on that.
The "peanut sniffing" dogs were not paid for by the school--apparently the girl kept having reactions and her parents wanted to know why since they had been taking precautions.
I personally don't think that any of us knows the whole story here, and I hope that facts emerge instead of rumors.
It makes me furious that parents think the "solution" is to force a child to be denied her legal right to public schooling. Have we forgotten Brown v. Board of Education? It declared that separate was NOT equal, and I feel it applies to EVERYONE, not just on the basis of race, but anything that can be used to differentiate, including allergies, diseases, disabilities, etc. Being different doesn't mean being excluded. These kids aren't lepers!! I'm so glad you mentioned cancer and diabetes, because that is exactly what I said to my mom when I was telling her about this. It's so beyond ridiculous, that I can't even fathom how these parents think they are right. Force her out of school because your--luckily--healthy kid can't have CUPCAKES???? Are you kidding me?? I'm a teacher too, and I personally don't care for birthday parties in class. They take away from learning time, get the kids wound up, and are a pain to clean up after (because you know who cleans up--me). I would be happy if they did away with them altogether, to be honest, but kids do enjoy them, so I wouldn't really expect that. I do think kids should have a little fun in school sometimes, but at the expense of another child's health? Never.
I am a mom of two, neither of who have any allergies. During preschool however, my daughter had a classmate with a similar peanut allergy. I was happy to know that the preschool educated the children in the class, they were required anyway to wash their hands multiple times a day anyway as just teaching and reinforcing good hygiene. My then 4 year old daughter refused to eat peanut butter for the longest time out of fear of hurting her friend. Even if it was the weekend and I told her it was ok, it was her choice to pass it up. I believe that it was the way that the preschool went about teaching the kids that made the difference in their reaction to this "inconvenience". They attend different elementary schools now, and I don't know what has occurred with Samantha, however I do know that there is no uproar like we are seeing here. I think this is a perfect opportunity to teach kids about these types of situations, to reinforce good hygiene and one of the reasons why hand washing is so important. These parents are causing a bigger problem over something that if left to the children, really wouldn't be a big deal. I have heard them claim on TV that this is taking away from education time, but what do they think their picketing is doing? Do they honestly believe that the kids do not talk about this amongst themselves and wonder what is going on? I really feel sad for this young girl and hope that she is able to move on from this. I would like to extend them an invitation to move to Texas and attend my daughter's school where we can show parents of this Florida community how WE treat children respectfully.
After reading some of the comments here, I'm curious... so many people can complain about this situation but yet no one has come up with any other solution other then home schooling. For myself, a widowed mother of two, this wouldn't be even remotely an option. They also said on the Today show today that the mouth rinsing has been stopped, and only cleaning the outside of their mouths now. I personally think they should brush their teeth and teach dental care while they are at it!
One of my roommates in college had a peanut allergy and it wasn't difficult to change our routine at all. Granted we weren't eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like a 6 year old lol but you don't realize everything that contains peanuts until you need to be careful. A few months of adjustment - none of which was an annoyance - and it was just normal. And well worth it so he didn't have to worry about things like that when he was home. Good luck to this family.
I responded earlier about where is the line.
My issue is with the peanut sniffing dog.
What if the kids had PB for breakfast, do they have to change clothes? the story has a ton of holes.
But btw, the ADA only requires REASONABLE accomadations... so that means it can be subject to the law. I believe having my kid (who is allergic to dogs) constantly subjected to search by peanut-sniffing dogs is beyond a reasonable accomadation.
Peanut free school, sounds reasonable
washing hands, wiping face (not with anticeptic wipes) reasonable
dog-sniffing searches even on the weekend(which I read about on another blog---) , possible clothing changes etc. Not reasonable to me.
Well said. I have heard about this on the news. I feel that there is more to this story than is being reported. This little girl can't be the first one in the state with food allergies. Her school (if they don't have previous experience with this), can contact other schools in Fl and ask about what procedures they are using and develop a plan. I'd be curious to know if the girl has an airborne allergy, is it the doctor recomending this?
I have a daughter with peanut/treenut allergies. Our school is already nut free. I am so fortunate. The nurse is wonderful, the teachers she has had so far have been very understanding. Also, parents have been accomodating. They even give me a heads up when it's their kids birthday and they're bringin cupcakes because, they know I always send something for my daughter. The kids get bathroom breaks during the day and they should be washing their hands anyway. Since when did handwashing become a bad thing?? As far as this taking time out of the school day - well isn't that what parties do also?
They say their kids have rights. JMHO, I think the right to live and have an equal education outweighs the right to eat peanuts. They can do that when they get home from school. All these parents have done is teach their kids to be mean. To harrass others because of their disability. To be stubborn. To not have compassion or empathy for others.
if this is as bad as the parents make it out to be, this little girl could die. Who is going to take responsibility for that? The school? The other kid's parents? the child who accidentally brought in the peanut item or had the dust on their clothes from feeding their dog a peanut butter biscuit? You don't look past the "blah blah special needs blah blah blah" to all the problems here. How will the child that accidentally kills her feel? What about that kids rights? what about the autistic kids who freak out and won't eat anything other than peanut butter? What about the kids allergic to the peanut sniffing dog. What about the (according to the teacher) thirty minutes a day wasted on this girl's well-being, when her stupid clown parents SHOULD BE home schooling her, rather than exposing her to a potentially deadly EVERY DAY? Who is selfish? If your child could be accidentally killed by another six year old this easily, who would you trust to keep them safe? The school? HAHAHAHAHA....The other children? HAHAHAHAHA. I can't believe what I am reading. How about some common sense?
You know what I would do? I would get a different job or whatever, and home school my son to keep him safe. Anything else is selfish on the parents part. Doubly so, because they expect other people to decontaminate their kids every day, RATHER THAN BE REAL PARENTS AND MAKE A NECESSARY SACRIFICE. How do the needs of one outweigh the needs of the many???
These picketing parents are absolutely right. If my child was expected to miss out on 100 hours of learning EVERY YEAR to coddle 1 allergic child by these ridiculous measures, I would be steamed. That is 1200 hours, EIGHT MONTHS of school missed by grade 12, if your child stays in the same grade as this one. Is that fair? HELL NO.
My response here: http://nycpokerchick.blogspot.com/2011/03/disgusting.html
The whole thing makes me ill. Homeschool - why? Yes, school is dangerous but it doesn't take much to reduce the risk and then you just need teachers/administrators to have epipen access/training for the risk that is always there.
Why is that so hard? Do you have the right to a cupcake if you eat it knowing it would either isolate or kill someone? Do you have the right to discriminate against another child?
I read several blogs and forums before coming to this one. Frankly, I'm exhausted and depressed to have read so many heartless comments. I don't have kids and I frankly didn't know very much peanut allergies till a few hours ago, and yet I was able to empathize with parents and kids who have to deal with this condition. It just blew my mind as to how many people actually overtly feel that the little girl's problem isn't their fault and that they should not have to be inconvenienced by it. Perhaps the responses to this issue are a sort of barometer into how graceful a society we are.
i see that a lot of the people commenting here are parents of children WITH allergies. when your child has a special need, it can be hard to see the other side of things. but, does it not strike anyone as incredibly irresponsible for this little girl to be sent to school if her allergy is so life-threatening? i mean, to the point that she is still suffering from her allergy even though all reasonable measures have been employed to prevent her allergy from acting up? i mean, when you have a peanut-sniffing dog employed, doesn't that go beyond reasonable?
my son has a low-grade milk allergy. i know that if his allergy were severe enough that other children needed to rinse their mouths out and wash their hands repeatedly, i would not send him. period. i wouldn't want him to be hurt accidentally (i mean, these ARE kids we are talking about) and i wouldn't want to make him feel bad at such a young age regarding his allergy. this little girl would perhaps be isolated more if she were home-schooled, but she is probably feeling such hate and rejection from the fellow children in her class right now and that is far worse than isolation.
why not wait until she is a bit older and then send her to public schools when she can handle her allergy more reasonably? i mean, the day will have to come where she will either have to work a regular job and take the risk that peanuts are in her workplace OR be a shut-in. that's just reality. people can't rinse their mouths in her workplace at her request.
i was hoping to read something more insightful in this blog entry regarding peanut allergies, but really, all i found was more "my kid has a problem; now it's your problem too". we ALL become adults someday and have to face our own "disabilities" no matter what they may be. we need to raise our kids to be prepared, not coddled. if this little girl is going to make it in the real world, she needs to be prepared. that means keeping her safe and happy now (which surely can not be happening in her school environment) and waiting for her to get a little older and deal better with her allergy. sure, she's entitled to an education, but her well-being comes first.
What many of the commenters don't understand is that no one is asking for children to be "coddled." To me, protecting someone's health using relatively simple measures as we do at our school is not "coddling" it is accommodating children with medical conditions under the law--Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504. When you say "coddling" you are speaking as if our kids are having tantrums at school and we are letting them have their way. We are talking about a health issue. Are we "coddling" students with diagnosed developmental disabilities when we give them state-funded aides to help them at school? Or "coddling" people in wheelchairs when we provide them with a ramp instead of asking them to crawl up the steps using their forearms?
While I don't agree with the agressive tone used by some of you here, I think that it is clear a lot of misinformation and under-education about food allergies was the cause of this Florida uproar. I feel that a lack of communication and information both on the school's part and the non-allergic families part made this such a firestorm. We have never experienced this personally and we do have accommodations in place--not as extreme as are alleged in the Florida school, but accommodations that work. No one has picketed or protested. In fact, our experience is true at most schools around the country.
To the last commenter--what "insights about peanut allergy" are you looking for--check the entire blog, it's all insights. Maybe not the ones you want to see, but they are there. If you are looking for me to agree with bigotry and hateful attitudes, sorry, can't help you there.
Do we need to have accommodations in place that are reasonable and viable? Yes. Do we need aggresssion and hatred to be a part of the discussion? No. Thanks to all who commenteded because we can learn something from all perspectives.
you keep throwing around "bigotry" and "hate". none of this has to do with bigotry and hate. this has to do with parents who make poor decisions for their children. to send your child to an environment where she could possibly die AND have all of her classmates and her parents hate her is clearly bad parenting. there has to be other alternatives than what they are doing.
and i DID read more of your website, including the article your wrote. and i myself have many allergies, although they are mostly non-food related. still, i feel like every time i read these kind of websites, i find the same thing: my kid has a food allergy, you obviously don't understand.
suggesting homeschooling has nothing to do with bigotry and everything to do with raising a healthy child who might be able to get past their allergy someday.
My son is allergic to many things (well, 4 things that pretty much cover everything). He's 4 years old. I can see one side of the spectrum, where my SIL gets hives from spelling peanuts, but I can also see the other side.
In our house (just like my in-laws) we still have foods that my son is allergic to. He just knows what he is and is not allowed to have. He has the allergy-free counterpart that we use (non-dairy milk, egg replacer, almond butter, turkey bacon, etc.) when we cook meals for the entire family, but he doesn't care if we make hard boiled eggs and he "can't" have some seeing as how he doesn't like them.
I think the best thing to do is mark everything with stickers for basic allergies so even kindergarteners can learn to avoid foods themselves (they'll have to learn sooner or later) but the parents of the non-allergic kids can learn to bring in allergy free foods next to their "regular" foods (if that makes sense).
A lot of people are very confused about food allergies and what they mean, that's the main point that this Florida story is revealing. So that's good--let's get all the ugliness out there and air it. That will eventually eliminate it, just like mold exposed to sunlight.
Sadly, these parents will likely will continue their hate filled protests until they have to be faced with a similar situation. They have no desire to be educated on the issue, and have no regard for this little girl who is caught in the middle of all this. Her parents and school who are doing what they can to keep her safe ~ and a group of hate filled protesters who have nothing better to do with their time than to spew vitrol.
Can you imagine looking this little girl in the face and telling her, "I'm sorry, but you are different than the other kids, and we feel that their right to a peanut butter sandwich at lunch trumps your right to life. So, you need to stay home from school in a bubble away from your friends."
My older son does not have any allergies, but he is sympathetic to his best friend who does. He wouldn't eat a peanut butter sandwich before he goes to his house...because he values his friendship more than a sanwich. He also has a little girl in his class with cancer. Her doctor's have given the go-ahead to go back to school...but the teachers take extra precaution not to sit children next to her who are or have been sick. They are diligent in wiping down the desks with clorox wipes a few times a day, and they have taught the kids proper hand washing. They also all bring individual water bottles to school to sit on their desks. So, their mouths are "rinsed" out all day long. They just call it "Hydration". Kids are active and need water frequently during the day. Should we tell these parents of this child with cancer that they need to keep her home? OR try to allow her the right to a "normal" life as well.
In regard to the dog in school... When I was in school, we had a police K9 come in on a montly basis to search for drugs. They did random classroom sweeps. We sat at our desks, and the dog was walked up and down the isles. There is a law that says drugs are not allowed on school property. So, when you are on their property, you abide by their rules. I can't imagine that this peanut sniffing dog would be much different. If it is even that invasive. It probably sits at the front door as the kids walk by. These dogs are trained to smell that stuff from a good distance away. The dog would not be allowed to touch a child.
My last question...
Are these parents protesting on school property? Or outside the grounds? If it's on school property, then I would be asking why the school isn't having them removed from the premises.
I just find this whole situation completely sad. Whatever happened to compassion? This poor little girl has a disability. I'm sure she does not want to be in a situation where she has to monitor and avoid food that could potentially kill her. Imagine how you would feel if taking one bite of something that most people enjoy could kill you. I am amazed by the lack of caring that permeates these discussions. How can we expect our children to grow up caring for others, when adults model the exact opposite? And to address the argument that these children will have to grow up and live in a peanut-filled world, I say "yes. When they are older and at a party where there is peanuts, they can turn and leave." But children do not have the option to turn and leave when at school. They need to be in the classroom and they have the same rights as other students to receive the same education.
to the anonymous poster who said the parents of the little girl were bad parents - whoa! are you kidding???? Then what do you call parents who harrarss, intimidate, bully and treat those with medical disabilities poorly? That are not compassionate? That are selfish. There is was too much food in the classroom. They need to chill and try to think rationally. so you can't have peanut butter for a few hours. why can't they just let their kids have peanut butter for dinner everynight if it's so important to them. All kids deserve to be safe at school, this includes being safe from harrasment from adults, who are teaching their kids by example to be mean to others....
I am truly shocked of the entire story. In Canada, we do not for one minute think peanut allergies and precautions in our schools are NEW...STRANGE..WRONG..It is common place. Many children whom do not even have the allergy are effective in life saving measures that include administration of the Epi-Pen shot, they know what it is for, respect that a child has an allergy and they proceed accordingly, politely and in respect of others LIVES.
At times, we have had moments where certain items could not be brought to school, and sometimes birthday cupcakes cannot be brought in. But, modern children in Canada read food labels and actually say to us purchasing parents in the grocers..."that has nuts in it Mom, I can't bring it to school" and they eat it while home...duh! What is so hard about that???????? I don't get it!
I feel so terribly sorry for the parents of children living with peanut allergies in America, and mostly the children. I work in a Pharmacy here in Ontario, and not only me...but everyone I have spoken to about this is outraged. Keep fighting...never, never , never give in....and certainly not to ignorance and hate.
For those living with peanut allergies, it must suck having to be so hyper vigilant all the time, making sure your loved one doesn't die.
However, for the girl in the story, what are her parents going to do when she gets older? Are they going to insist that her middle school, high school and college/university go peanut free?
What is this little girl going to do when she gets into middle school, high school and college/university? What will she do when it comes time for her to get a job? Will she demand these places go peanut-free? The world is not a peanut free environment, and if her allergy is so severe she'll die from simply sniffing a peanut, her parents should keep her home until she's old enough to handle her allergy. Don't penalize 99.9% of the school for ONE child's health issue.
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