For your chance to win, simply post a comment on this blog post with your name --first name and last initial is fine. It's hard to deliver a prize to Anonymous. :)I will contact the winner privately for their mailing info. If you like, you can also share your favorite sweet treat that you make for the holidays. After a random drawing, the winner will be announced Wednesday. You can comment today and tomorrow until 11 pm.
For those of you who don't know much about Sweet Alexis, they have a storefront in California and a thriving mail-order business. They offer a wide variety of quick breads (like zucchini and banana) and cookies that are free of nuts, dairy and eggs. It's great stuff and it arrives fresh and tasty--my kids and I have tried many of their products and we love them all.
For product info and a full ingredients list, please click this link.
Thanks to Sweet Alexis and good luck everybody!
Note: While these cookies are egg-free, peanut-free, tree nut-free and dairy-free and made in a dedicated bakery, they may contain other allergens. Contest participants are responsible for fully vetting the ingredients of these cookies before offering them to an allergic person.
Michelle O.
My peanut and treenut allergic son loves when I make pumpkin muffins. :)
Would love to win and present these to my daughter (the one with the peanut allergy). She would be thrilled :)
Dee Dee B.
I would so love to try these...never have before! Needing inspiration...the amount of baking we have to do b/c of tree nut, peanut and milk allergies with our sons is overwhelming. Thank you!! Cheryl B.
Jaime E.
Would consider it an honor to win these cookies and give to my son that is peanut/nut/egg allergy! So WONDERFUL for you to create a bakery that makes people that are allergic have even a 'chance' of enjoying some of life's sweet treats! God Bless You and Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Laura K.
My family would be so excited to win these. It's a treat to be able to have anything baked by someone other than mom!
My family would be so excited to win these. It's such a treat for them to have anything from a bakery. Thank you so much for offering such a valuable service!!
Hayley L. : )
Dayna R. - I love all the egg/peanut free things I can find for my 4-yr-old EoE son!
Yay! Giveaway! Allison Z.
This is our first Christmas dealing with the peanut/tree nut allergy. So sad to find that we can not enjoy some of our treasured treats that have been a part of family celebrations for decades. Hoping we can find some new treat that will once again be special for us all!
Alicia N.
My son would love these cookies...with his peanut allergy we are not able to get "bakery" cookies that are safe for him! My family would love to try these. Thanks so much for doing this. Karen K.
Kim B. My daughter would love these cookies. She loves when my family gets together over the holidays to make homemade bread and rolls.
Hope I can still enter even though I live in Canada! My nut-allergic daughter would love these!
Meagan S.
Lynn K.
I can't wait to check out this site!
Kari D.
Thanks for the giveaway. We'd love to try them. It is out first Christmas going nut free since we found out my toddler son was allergic in March.
Dealing with allergies is very new to me. My 2 year old was diagnosed with egg, peanut, and cinnamon allergies as well as lactose intolerance. I have a mild egg allergy myself but have always just tolerated it and no one else in our family has allergies so its been a bit overwhelming to even figure out where to start. My 4 year old LOVES baked goods but the 2 year old doesn't seem to care for them, I'm not sure if he really just doesn't like them or his body has just always rejected them. I have recently found egg replacement and he has enjoyed some muffins with that. I would like to try some vegan baked goods for him but not sure which ones are actually worth it. Any suggestions are appreciated!
Kathy S
Michele M.
My daughter LOVES Spangler candy canes (I was so excited to see the label)
This is our first Christmas being nut free as well.
We've been peanut and tree nut free since spring of 2009 and it is so exciting to see more peanut free options, but it is always more difficult to find options that are but free all together. Kudos to Sweet Alexis for their commitment to allergen free treats. Would love to try them!
Christina H. (mom to 5 & 4 year old boys allergic to peanuts and tree nuts)
Alison D.-My son has a nut allergy, and has learned that he can't always have what everyone else is eating, but he knows we try our best to always find a yummy alternative. These cookies would be wonderful to try!
Michelle H.B.
I would love this! I'm one of the few allergy moms who is not a great baker, so this would be great for my little guy!
My son would love theis. Thanks for the chance to win! Charity B
My son would be happy to try these cookies. Thank you for the giveaway!
Jill D.
Look yummy!
How cool! I might order some even if I don't win!
Hannah H.
Heidi R. I have 4 kids and my youngest has a lot of food allergies and I am always looking for new foods that he can have I would love to win your cookies and maybe start ordering from there also
I'm in! That's P. Chick, (or Michelle B.) and you know where to find me :)
I'd love to win this for my daughter who has a tree-nut and peanut allergy.
Linda M.
My little Audrey would love these! Kathy He
MMMMMMMMMMM!!! This would be GREAT!!!!!!!
I would love to win these for my daughter.
I would love to win! I've never tried Sweet Alexis goodies before. :) -Lindsay B.
Wow, yum!! With my three children's various allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and dairy, these would be perfect treats they could all enjoy together this holiday season! Thanks for the chance to win, and happy holidays to you and your family!
Mandy V. Love your blog. My kiddos are allergic to dairy and all nuts!
I would love to get these for my peanut and egg allergy munchkin! Thanks for the opportunity!
Cassie M
would love to try these, for my nut-free son. Sheryl W.
These look great! Your blog is a wonderful resource! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
These look and sound delicious!!!
I would LOVE to give my daughter some cookies she'd be able to eat!! It's nearly impossible to find cookies that are nut, dairy and egg free. Yay!
Barb D.
My daughter would LOVE to try these cookies (and so would I!). :)
AvisLys (Barb D.)
I want to thank Sweet Alexis and the other nut free bakeries/companies for making the Holidays less stressful for allergy families.
Great giveaway! We would love to win.
My son would love try these cookies. Thank you for the chance to win.
I have 3 kiddos with peanut/tree nut allergies. These would be great to win!
I'd love to win this for my nephew. He has nut allergies, and I'd love to be able to surprise him and his family with these cookies. Thanks!
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